Setting of viske.vim
Next, you can modify your .vimrc to activate Google Calendar Pulgin.
If you installed viske.vim by Bundle, you should check the path of "gcal.rb" first. Please place the script at a below location.
Then add below settings to .vim.rc so as to activate sync plugin. Please substitute your own value for {CALENDAR-ID}.
let g:viskeGcalId = "{CALENDAR-ID}" cal viske#setSyncFunc("viske#gcal")
{CALENDAR-ID} might be the same as a google account. You can check an actual Calendar-ID at a setting of Google Calendar.
Now you can synchronize viske schedule with Google Calendar. Congratulation!!
You can modify the behavior of this scripts by below parameters.
Parameter name | Description | example |
g:viskeGcalID | Calencar ID to be synchronized | |
g:viskeGcalGetScript | Path to gcal.rb | $HOME . ".vim/ruby/gcal.rb" |
g:viskeGcalTZone | Time zone | "+0900" |
g:viskeGcalAuthFile | Path to AOuth token | $HOME . ".google-api.yaml" |
g:viskeSyncNoConf | If it exists, viske does not confirm before synchronizing. | "true" |
g:viskeSyncReadOnly | If it exists, viske does not apply local change to Google calendar. | "true" |
This script may contain a lot of bugs. It can damage your data on google calendar by unexpected behavior. Pleas kindly use these scripts at your own risk.
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